Thursday, November 27, 2008


Seriously, is there anything more boring than football?

Seriously, aren't the people who fawn and drool over Paris Hilton a million times more pathetic than she is?

Seriously, if you love baseball, and haven't watched a spring training game live, you are legally insane.

Seriously, how many people would you trust with your life. Really.

Seriously, has there ever been a t.v. character funnier than George Costanza?

Seriously, being licked on the face by a little puppy is rejuvenating.

Seriously, if Johnny Carson was the best, and David Letterman a deserving second best, where would you put Jimmy Kimmel? How do people like Kimmel get t.v. shows? Seriously, what is the deal with that?

Seriously, is Larry King a frog? Every time i see that guy, it appears he is coming closer and closer to turning into Kermit.

Seriously, wouldn't any guy want to be as cool as Clint Eastwood, Robert DeNiro, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, George Clooney, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Waits?

Seriously, wouldn't it be fun to own a horse?

Seriously, unless we know virutally nothing about math, isn't it completely nuts to buy lottery tickets?

Seriously, has there ever been a better album cover than Rubber Soul? No there has not.