Friday, July 11, 2008

Stupid Things People Say

When "Don't go there" wasn't fashionable, I hated it. Now that it's said with such horrid regularity, I hate it even more. If anyone says to me, "Don't go there", I am definitely going there.

"Hi Boss". What????? Complete strangers or strange people have said this to me, and i just want to gag. How am I your boss? If, in fact, I was your boss, I would fire your ass.

Two new expressions have sadly infiltrated baseball. To some announcers, a team doesn't "score" a run, they "plate" a run. Pass the tylenol. And a player who hits a home run now, apparently, has not hit one over the fence, or hit it out of the ballpark.........Nope, he has "gone yard". Who made that up?????? Someone seriously disturbed, obviously. I cringe as I type.

"My bad". No no. Try "I'm a very bad person." If I ever say "My bad", i will turn myself in.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too". Say what??? If I have a cake, what would exactly would I do with it if i didn't eat it? Talk to it? Toss it in the air like a pizza? If I have a cake, I'm eating it. And to suggest otherwise is simply depriving me of dessert.


adam said...

Pass the tylenol.... hahahaha

Dawson4377 said...

Yea, baseball has the worst new additions to the lexicon of sports verbiage. The biggest crime against nature is "Thats just Manny being Manny" in reference to the, shall we say eccentric behaviour of LA Dogers outfielder Manny Ramirez.
To make matters worse, you can hear Sportscasters across North America now explaining phenomena with "it is what it is". Now that is some insighful crap.

Good blog Bill, just found it today.

Matt D