Friday, June 20, 2008

Annoying Dopes

Ten of the most annoying people on earth (naturally they are famous).

Pete Rose - With an IQ of an eggplant, he hocks his autograph on a table around the corner from the Baseball Hall of Fame. They should ban him from that table too.

Celine Dion - The screeching horse-face got married in Cleopatra-like style. Any other questions?

Jay Leno - He "forgot" to thank Johnny Carson when he replaced the late night icon. Whoops. And i forgot to laugh at anything he has said since. Whoops. I mean, I have never watched him since. Pretty easy to do, since David Letterman is about a million times funnier.

Rosie O'Donnell - A horrifyingly shrill voice, a face that screams "Herman Munster", and the tact of a grizzly bear eating beer cans.

Paris Hilton - Famous for being rich. A no-talent dipstick with the face of a pelican and the personality of a dead battery.

Madonna - She speaks with a thicker british accent than Prince Charles. Where did she find it?
Michigan? California? Up her egotistical ass???

Every contestant on every reality show - None of it is real. Fake, fake, fake. Why anyone who isn't completely insane would want to follow the phony adventures of some plastic doofus on an island is beyond reason.

Jim Belushi - This slob has been starring in a horrible t.v. show for about 50 years. What does that say about the viewing public? It says the public is generally nuts.

Jimmy Kimmel - Annoying as this hack is, he also gives hope to all of us. If he can have a show, then damnit, so can I! And so could you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you.........

TomCruiseandJohnTravolta - They both are in a league of their own in the world of pretentiousness, so I'm going to assume they are the same person (Cruise gets top billing, because he is slightly more revolting that Johnny Revolta.) Phony smiles, phony hair (what is that on your head, John???????), plastic Stepford-like personalities. Cringe at your convenience, people.

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