Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Bad, Bad Look

For those of you who need reassurance that you are not the uncoolest, worst dressed person on earth, consider the following:

While attending a spring training game in Florida, i saw a guy who was adorned with the worst collection of "stuff" i have ever witnessed, including:

Sandals with black wool socks that were yanked up past his knees.

A far too small #2 Yankees jersey, with the name "Peacock" printed on the back. (The Yankees, of course, don't print names on their jersey's. It would be bad enough if "Jeter" was printed on the damn thing, but "Peacock"??????? Causes even non-Yankee fans among us to tear up).

Tight, lime-green, nut-hugging shorts that were yanked up so high, they appeared to be strangling him.

A pink, ill-fitting Mets cap. Yes, a Mets cap. Perhaps he couldnt tell the difference between the astoundingly different NY's.

Giant, old-guy sunglasses, with, naturally, duct tape holding them together.

A thick camera strap that weighed 100 pounds if it weighed an ounce. Attached to the strap was a camera that featured a lens that was only slightly smaller than Don Zimmer. (Unfortunately, the lens still wasn't big enough to hide his jiggling, bulging, ghost-white belly).

A "moustache" that consisted of one black hair, one red hair, and a third hair whose color could not be positively identified.

And my favorite...bright red batting gloves......on each hand........honestly.

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