Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Front Seat/Back Seat

Some people are simply meant to sit in a car's front seat. Some are not. Big bully brother always sits in the front. Little 45-pound sister sits in the back. Scheming brat sits up front. Geek with crooked chiclets parks his arse in the back.

In the world of the rich and famous, there is little doubt who would sit where if these duo's shared a vehicle:

Robert DeNiro sits up front. Pauly Shore sits in the back.

Jerry Seinfeld sits up front. Bob Saget? Guess.

McCartney's hoffner - Up front. Tommy Lee's drums - Back seat, and please dont play.

Walter Cronkite - Let me get the door for you. Larry King - You can look like a frog in the back.

Bruce Springsteen - Front seat (and you can't get out!). Clay Aiken - Back seat, and shut the hell up.

A horse's ass - front seat. Tom Cruise - the trunk.

Clint Eastwood - He could be 100 , and no one on earth would challenge his spot up front. Keanu Reeves - sit in the back with the other mannequin's.

Gillian Anderson - Up front, and can i get you a pillow? Louie Anderson - In the back, buddy. Sorry I don't have a shoehorn.

Ron Howard - Opie, Richie, big-time director, modest, popular, nice guy - Up front, Ronny. Jerry Mathers - Leave it to Beaver to be this atrocious looking. Sit in the back Beav, and don't smile. Please.

Chris Rock - Front seat, Chris. Jimmy Fallon - makes Adam Sandler look like Al Pacino. Sit in the back and chant "I'm not funny."

Sean Connery - Seat. Front Seat. Mickey Rooney - back seat and please fasten your muzzle.

Hank Aaron - Front seat of course. You have to promise to tell the driver baseball stories. Barry Bonds - back seat...behind Hank. Where you belong. Get it??

Meryl Streep - Front seat. And please bring your laugh. Kathy Griffin - back seat with three pairs of heavy duty wool socks jammed into your frothing yapper.

B.B. King - Front seat, and bring your guitar. Carrot Top - back seat, preferrably laying down. B.B. doesnt want that clown wig anywhere near him.

...And finally........Eddie Munster - front seat pal, and nice widow's peak! The Olsen Twins - in the trunk with Cruise.

1 comment:

adam said...

"Hank Aaron - Front seat of course. You have to promise to tell the driver baseball stories. Barry Bonds - back seat...behind Hank. Where you belong. Get it??"
